Alpha Global Access offers investors, exciting and exclusive investment opportunities
Geneva, Switzerland Aug. 30, 2017
Alpha Global Access offers investors, exciting and exclusive investment opportunities, from discretionary Fund Management, managed portfolio services and ‘best of breed’ Mutual Funds to a wide range of market beating Trackers’ & ETF’s with some of the lowest management charges in the industry. We even offer a fully tailored ‘Bespoke’ investment solution for HNW clients.
The industry is changing at a rapid pace, with the regulators spotlight on high fee’s and annual management charges. Alpha Global Access is focused on offering our clients the best value, whilst ensuring exceptional service levels and on-going support.
Understanding our client’s specific needs and the psychology behind their investment decisions is our primary focus. Challenging a client’s risk tolerance is paramount in building a sustainable relationship, says James Barnes, Director at Alpha Global Wealth.
We at Alpha Global Wealth, drive our business daily to offer a ‘value’ led proposition. Our whole of market approach and un-biased view on the investment world, ensures our clients are diversified suitably to navigate even the most turbulent of times.